Nile Zanin Clarke McGurk was born at 1 :54 monday 8/9/10. He weighed 71b 15 oz and 19 inches long. Jean at St. Francis was our midwife and she was the best!!
My contractions started at 3am on sunday morning i had 1 every hr until 8pm then they kicked up to 5 mins apart til 11:30. We drove to the hospital around 12 which was not a fun drive, I crawled thur the parking lot and was greeted by a patient in the emergency room with a wheel chair!! A very nice police officer wheeled me up stairs as the all the people in the waiting room cheered and wished me luck!!
I checked at 5 cent. 100% effaced and station 1 when I arrived in my room. After they montoried the baby for 20 mins Jean checked me at 7 cent. station 2!! I labored on my feet with my elbows on the bed my husband across from me with our hands locked in a sort of arm wrestling lock. He would hold me up with every contraction. Jean suggested I go in the birthing tub, which we did for about 30 mins, this was the best the water cooled me off and took the weight off my legs it felt so good to splash water on my face! This defiantly the best way to labor. I started to feel like I wanted to push so we got out of the bath and Jean checked me at 10 cent!! With my 1 st push my water broke, 3 pushes later Nile was born!! Happy & healthy, we stayed the min. 24hrs and came home early tuesday!
He nurses like a champ and has been sleeping in 4/5 hrs stretches!
Mama is a little weird about posting picures but Im sure I will in a few weeks!
1 week ago
Congratulations on your baby boy! Very happy you got to have a natural, easy, midwife labor and delivery. Yo go Mama!
Congratulations :)!!!
These moments are so memorable and I hope you are enjoying every single second of them!
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